Tekken published a flip book movie about the episode "The Force Awakens" in the series "Star Wars" celebrating the premiere of "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" (directed by Ryan Johnson) on the same day. The movie begins with the scene in which a group of Stormtroopers is marching, and continues with other scenes for instance when protagonist Rey meets BB-8, then confronts Kylo Ren - who intends to fulfil the legacy of Darth Vader - waking up the Force, when Rey meets Luke SkyWalker, a legendary Jedi; and depicts the whole film series. + More
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Overview:Tekken published a flip book movie about the episode "The Force Awakens" in the series "Star Wars" celebrating the premiere of "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" (directed by Ryan Johnson) on the same day. The movie begins with the scene in which a group of Stormtroopers is marching, and continues with other scenes for instance when protagonist Rey meets BB-8, then confronts Kylo Ren - who intends to fulfil the legacy of Darth Vader - waking up the Force, when Rey meets Luke SkyWalker, a legendary Jedi; and depicts the whole film series.